Spiritual and self-help websites
International Association of Reiki Professionals (www.iarp.org). The official organization of Reiki Practitioners that has a lot of interesting articles about healing.
Sounds True (www.soundstrue.com). Sounds True offers a lot of online courses and also has a lot of free content about various spiritual and self-help topics.
Hay House (www.hayhouse.com). One of the best resources for spiritual and self-help materials. They offer online courses, books, etc. A lot of free content and a newsletter are also available.
Eckhart Tolle (www.eckharttolle.com). The author of The Power of Now and A New Earth. His site is a great resource for spiritual and self-help information. Offers a newsletter, free videos, books, online courses, etc.
Sean Croxton (www.seancroxton.com). Sean has the perfect solution for the busy lifestyle. His "quotes of the day" give you inspiration in 12 minutes or less. You will hear insights from well-known speakers such as Dr. Wayne Dyer and Abraham-Hicks. They are always just what we need to hear--succinct and meaningful.
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